Table of contents
Welcome to the inaugural post of our BashFriday blog series! In this series, we'll delve into exciting Bash-related projects and showcase them on social media. To kick things off, we're starting with a powerful Bash script that monitors various aspects of your system's health.
mkdir -p /var/log/sysmonitor
LOGFILE="/var/log/sysmonitor/sysusage-$(date +%Y%m%d)"
touch "$LOGFILE"
# Function to send email notification
send_notification() {
local subject="$1"
local message="$2"
local recipient="$3"
echo "$message" | mail -s "$subject" "$recipient"
# Function to log and exit with status
log_and_exit() {
local message="$1"
local status="$2"
echo "$(date "+%F %H:%M:%S") $message" >> "$LOGFILE"
exit "$status"
# Monitor CPU Load
CPULOAD=$(top -b -n 2 -d 1 | grep "Cpu(s)" | tail -n 1 | awk '{print $2}' | awk -F. '{print $1}')
if [ -n "$CPULOAD" ]; then
if [ "$CPULOAD" -ge "$warning" ] && [ "$CPULOAD" -lt "$criticalcase" ]; then
send_notification "CPU Load Warning" "Warning CPU Load: $CPULOAD Host: $hostname" "$Mailwarning"
log_and_exit "Warning - CPU Load: $CPULOAD on HOST $hostname" 1
elif [ "$CPULOAD" -ge "$criticalcase" ]; then
send_notification "CPU Load Critical" "CRITICAL CPU Load: $CPULOAD Host: $hostname" "$CRITICALMail"
log_and_exit "CRITICAL - CPU Load: $CPULOAD on Host $hostname" 2
log_and_exit "OK - CPU Load: $CPULOAD on $hostname" 0
log_and_exit "Error: CPU Load is empty." 3
# Monitor Memory Usage
MEMORYUSAGE=$(free -m | awk '/Mem:/ {print $3}')
if [ -n "$MEMORYUSAGE" ]; then
if [ "$MEMORYUSAGE" -ge "$warning" ]; then
send_notification "Memory Usage Warning" "Warning Memory Usage: $MEMORYUSAGE MB Host: $hostname" "$Mailwarning"
log_and_exit "Warning - Memory Usage: $MEMORYUSAGE MB on HOST $hostname" 1
log_and_exit "OK - Memory Usage: $MEMORYUSAGE MB on $hostname" 0
log_and_exit "Error: Memory Usage is empty." 4
# Monitor Storage Usage
DISKUSAGE=$(df -h | grep "/dev/" | awk '{print $5}' | sed 's/%//')
if [ -n "$DISKUSAGE" ]; then
if [ "$DISKUSAGE" -ge "$warning" ]; then
send_notification "Disk Space Warning" "Warning Disk Space Usage: $DISKUSAGE% Host: $hostname" "$Mailwarning"
log_and_exit "Warning - Disk Space Usage: $DISKUSAGE% on HOST $hostname" 1
log_and_exit "OK - Disk Space Usage: $DISKUSAGE% on $hostname" 0
log_and_exit "Error: Disk Space Usage is empty." 5
# Monitor IOPS (Input/Output Operations Per Second)
IOPS=$(iostat -d -x | grep "sda" | awk '{print $4}')
if [ -n "$IOPS" ]; then
if [ "$IOPS" -ge "$warning" ]; then
send_notification "IOPS Warning" "Warning IOPS: $IOPS Host: $hostname" "$Mailwarning"
log_and_exit "Warning - IOPS: $IOPS on HOST $hostname" 1
log_and_exit "OK - IOPS: $IOPS on $hostname" 0
log_and_exit "Error: IOPS is empty." 6
# Monitor Network I/O
NETWORKIO=$(netstat -i | grep -E "^(eth|enp|ens)" | awk '{print $4 + $8}' | tail -n 1)
if [ -n "$NETWORKIO" ]; then
if [ "$NETWORKIO" -ge "$warning" ]; then
send_notification "Network I/O Warning" "Warning Network I/O: $NETWORKIO Host: $hostname" "$Mailwarning"
log_and_exit "Warning - Network I/O: $NETWORKIO on HOST $hostname" 1
log_and_exit "OK - Network I/O: $NETWORKIO on $hostname" 0
log_and_exit "Error: Network I/O is empty." 7
# Monitor Load Average
LOADAVERAGE=$(uptime | awk -F 'load average:' '{print $2}' | cut -d, -f1 | awk -F. '{print $1}')
if [ -n "$LOADAVERAGE" ]; then
if [ "$LOADAVERAGE" -ge "$warning" ]; then
send_notification "Load Average Warning" "Warning Load Average: $LOADAVERAGE Host: $hostname" "$Mailwarning"
log_and_exit "Warning - Load Average: $LOADAVERAGE on HOST $hostname" 1
log_and_exit "OK - Load Average: $LOADAVERAGE on $hostname" 0
log_and_exit "Error: Load Average is empty." 8
# If all checks pass, log and exit with status 0
log_and_exit "All checks passed." 0
We Need to run this script every five minutes
mooaz@mooaz-pc:~/bashfriday$ crontab -e
#run this script for every five mins
*/5 * * * * sh /home/mooaz/bashfriday/
This script needs sudo privileges
mooaz@mooaz-pc:~/bashfriday$ sudo ./
Let's dive into the key points of this script:
1. CPU Load Monitoring:
The script uses the
command to measure CPU load.It sets warning and critical thresholds for CPU load.
If CPU load exceeds the critical threshold, it sends a critical alert.
If CPU load is within the warning range, it sends a warning alert.
If CPU load is normal, it logs an "OK" message.
2. Memory Usage, Disk Space, IOPS, Network I/O, and Load Average Monitoring:
The script provides placeholders for monitoring these metrics.
You can customize the script to set thresholds and alerts for these metrics.
Monitoring these metrics helps detect potential issues before they impact system performance.
3. Logging and Alerting:
The script logs all monitoring results in a log file.
It sends email alerts when metrics cross predefined thresholds.
Alert emails can help system administrators take timely action to resolve issues.
4. Loop for Multiple Paths (Optional):
The script can be modified to monitor multiple directories or paths.
If you have several areas of interest, this feature allows you to monitor them all.
5. Cron Scheduling:
You can schedule this script to run at regular intervals using
.For example, running the script every 5 minutes ensures continuous monitoring.
6. Error Handling:
The script includes error handling to detect issues like empty metric values.
It logs error messages and exits with a status code, helping with troubleshooting.
7. Customization:
You can tailor this script to your specific needs.
Set thresholds, alerts, and monitoring parameters according to your system's requirements.
8. Running as Root (Caution):
Some parts of the script, such as directory creation, may require root privileges.
cautiously and only when necessary.
In summary, this Bash script provides a foundation for monitoring essential system metrics and alerting you when abnormalities occur. By customizing it to your system's needs and regularly scheduling it using cron
, you can maintain a healthy and stable computing environment. Remember to exercise caution when running scripts with elevated privileges and to adapt the script to your specific use case for optimal results.